Susan Edelstein’s Poppy Seed Cookies

My mother-in-law, Betty Kushner (aka Bobi), of blessed memory, was known as one of the best cooks and bakers in the Jewish community of Superior, Wisconsin, where I grew up. When my kids were young we visited our families in Superior every summer. Their Bobi fed them well and her poppy seed cookies were their favorite!

One summer, I asked if she had the recipe so I could make the cookies when we got home. She said she didn’t have it written down, but would make a batch so I could write down the recipe as she added the ingredients. She mixed all of the ingredients together, but measured none! When she added he vanilla, she poured three caps full into the mix! Three caps full? What size bottle??? I did the best I could, writing down the recipe. Her cookies were delicious – light and crunchy and sweet.

When we returned home, the kids asked me to make Bobi’s cookies. I took out the recipe and the ingredients, being sure to do exactly as she had. I rolled out the dough, cut the cookies, sprinkled them with the sugar and cinnamon mixture and popped them into the oven. When they were cool, I called Michael, Roy and Amy into the kitchen to have a taste. I gave them each a cookie; they took a bite, swallowed and looked up at me with their beautiful, big brown eyes and said, “Not as good as Bobi’s”!

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